Top Selenium with Python Training Institutes in Bangalore, Marathahalli-Saag Tech
- Installing Python 3.6 on different Platforms
- Python folder structure
- Python third party modules and installation
- Python Interpreter and Python Interactive Shell
- Python IDE
- Why do we need Python?
- Python Features
- Areas of Application of Python
- Program structure
- Writing First Python Program
- Interactive Mode Programming
- Script Mode Programming
- Int and help commands
Variables, Keywords and Operators
- Identifiers
- Operators and Precedence
- Arithmetic, Relational and Logical operators
- Reserved Words and Indentation
- Multi-Line Statements and Comments
- Command Line Arguments
- Input and Output statements
Basic Data types and Operations
- Numbers
- Strings
- Booleans
- List
- Tuple
- Dictionary
- Sets
- Accessing keys and values
- Indexing ,merging ,sorting and slicing
- Built in methods
- Examples
- If statements
- If else statements
- If-elif-else statements
- Nested if else statements
- Conditional statement
- Examples
- Introduction To Functions
- Function definition and call
- Functions With single and Multiple return values
- Default arguments
- Variable arguments
- Keyword arguments
- Recursive Functions
- Local and Global scope
- Examples
- Opening and Closing Files
- Different file access modes
- Read ,Write ,Seek and Close
- Creating, deleting files and directories
- Examples
- Introduction
- Installing and Opening the IDE
- IDE Features
- Building and Running Test Cases
- Script Syntax and Test Suites
- Locating by Id
- Locating by Name
- Locating by XPath
- Locating Hyperlinks by Link Text
- Locating Elements by Tag Name
- Locating Elements by Class Name
- Locating Elements by CSS Selectors
- Interacting with the page
- Filling in forms
- Moving between windows and frames
- Navigation: history and location
- Radio Button Selection
- Check Box Selection
- Handling file/folder browse options
- Synchronization
- Drag & Drop
- Keyboard Actions
- Mouse Actions
- Multi Select
- Alerts
- Browser based windows
- OS based windows
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