Best Salesforce CRM Online Training Institutes in Bangalore, Marathahalli, BTM Layout,Hyderabad,India-Saag tech

 Salesforce CRM



Sales Cloud Concepts

Standard SFDC Applications

Sales Overview


Standard Objects

Managing Users

Securing and Sharing Data

Automate Business Process with Workflow Developing Approval Processes

Using Analytics

Overriding Link, Tabs and Label Sending Mass Email Importing Data

Monitoring your Org

Salesforce Development

  1. Enable Developing mode
  2. over View about Developer Console
  3. Installing Eclipse
  4. Overview about using eclipse and options
  5. Installing ant and Maven in the eclipse

OOPS(Object-oriented programming)

MVC Architecture

  1. Comparision of MVC to SalesForce APPS
  2. OOPS Basics
  3. Lexical
  4. Tokens
  5. Identifiers
  6. Varaibles
  7. Data Types
  8. Methods
  9. Access Modifiers
  10. Comparission between Method/Function and Procedure
  11. Classes
  12. Creation of Variables
  13. Getter Methods
  14. Setter Methods
  15. Creation of Methods
  16. with Sharing
  17. With Out Sharing
  18. Creation of Objects
  19. Reference Variables
  20. Constructors
  21. Class Scope
  22. Static Variables
  23. Static Methods
  24. Static Blocks
  25. Final Variables
  26. Final Static Variables
  27. Arrays
  28. Advantages and Disadvantages of Arrays


  1. Collections
  2. List Class and Methods
  3. Set Class and Methods
  4. Map Class and Methods
  5. Select Option Class

. SOQL (SalesForce Object Query Language)

  1. Group By
  2. Having
  3. Limit
  4. Offset
  5. Update Lock
  6. Parent to Child object Query
  7. Child to Parent object Query
  8. Aggregate Result
  9. Compression of Database. Query and static query
  10. Governing limits for SOQL
  11. DML operations
  12. Database. DML operations

30 Compression of DML with Database.DML

  1. Database. Save Point
  2. Database. Rollback operations
  3. Inheritance in Class
  4. Overriding classes
  5. Working with workbench

35.Writing a test classes

36.SOQl Governing limit

37.DML governing limit

  1. DML on No . of records
  2. Future Methods
  3. Setup Objects
  4. Non Setup Objects
  5. Mixed DML exception
  6. 44. Batch Apex
  7. Email Services
  8. Schedule Apex
  9. Triggers
  10. Meta data API

58.Wrapper Class

Visualforce :

1.Create VF Page

  1. Using Url

2.Using Developer Console

3.Using Eclipse

4.Using Standard Navigation

2.Printing Static data

3.Binding the global data on VF page

4.Global Objects in VF page

  1. Apex:PageBlock
  2. Apex:PageBlockSection and apex :PageBlockSectionItem

7.Input Components







8.Output Components




9.Creating Custom Account object Edit Page

10.Creating Custom Object Detail page

11.CSS in VF page

12.JavaScipt in VF page

13.Jquery in VF page

14.Ajax in VF page

15.AutoLookup functionality using Ajax and Jquery

16.List Views


2.Data Tables

3.Data List

17.Enhanced list view

18.Insert,Include and define

19.Panel Grid,Panel group ,output panel


21.Establishing Connection between Apex and VF page using Controller

22.Custom Picklistfied using SelectOption

23.Action Support ,ActionFunction,Action Pooling

24.Remote method invocations

25.Soap call form VF pages

26.Charts and Dashboard using VF page

27.PDF pages

28.Visualforce custom Components

29.Apex pagination

30.Data transfer between the pages

31.Controller and Extentions

32.Overidding the Standard buttons and links

33. SControllers


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